Lowongan Kerja PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – 5 Posisi

Lowongan Kerja PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk

Lowongan Kerja PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk – PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk adalah produsen ban terbesar di Asia Tenggara, memproduksi dan mendistribusikan ban berkualitas tinggi untuk mobil penumpang, SUV’s / Truk ringan, off-road, industri dan sepeda motor. Kami juga memproduksi dan mendistribusikan produk karet terkait lainnya seperti karet sintetis, benang ban, ban dalam, flap, o-ring dan banyak lagi.

Persaingan dalam dunia kerja memang sangat ketat, kamu bayangkan dari banyak lulusan universitas atau sekolah dalam negeri yang berlomba-lomba mendapatkan pekerjaan, dan ini bukan hal yang baru, ini terjadi pada setiap tahun. Maka dari itu penting sekali untuk menjadi salah satu calon kandidat yang dicari oleh perusahaan, ini bukan berati anda harus dari lulusan universitas/sekolah negeri atau IPK tinggi.

Setiap perusahaan selalu membutuhkan calon karyawan berkualitas yang mampu bekerja maksimal sesuai job desknya, yang bisa di ajak bekerja sama dalam membangun visi dan misi perusahaan untuk kedepannya. Jadi persiapakan dalam membuat CV atau Cover letter yang benar-benar menggambarkan siapa diri anda, tunjukan bahwa anda orang yang siap bekerja dan bisa dipercaya untuk menjalankan tugas pekerjaan yang diberikan perusahaan.

Proses atau tahapan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon karyawan pada umumnya dilakukan secara bertahap yang nantinya HRD ingin mendapatkan calon karyawan yang terbaik. Mungkin Anda masih belum tau apa saja tahapannya, pada umumnya yaitu: pertama tahapan Screening CV atau seleksi Administrasi Berkas, lalu kedua Wawancara HRD, interview HRD, Wawancara dengan User, dan Tes Psikotes.

Lowongan Kerja PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk

Tertarik bekerja di PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk? Siapkan berkas lamaran dan CV anda beserta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut kualifikasinya, simak dibawah ini:

1. Domestic Sales

Qualification :

  • Bachelor or Master degree in any major from reputable university
  • Has 1 years working experience in retail sales/export sales/OEM sales from automotive industry or related business, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Excellent communications and interpersonal skills
  • Computer literate and Proficient in English
  • Good strategic planning and management skills
  • Willing to travel
  • Location Head Office, Jakarta

2. Export Sales Assistant Manager

Job Description :

  • Day to day communication with the assigned customers to ensure optimal sales order.
  • Monitor and support the order processing, shipments, payments from the respective customers.
  • Conduct market research and analyse market dynamics along with competitor activities monitoring, both by liaising with customer and directly visiting the market.
  • Develop strategies to achieve sales target and establish a proposal to management, profit and loss report shall be one of the key points in the proposal.
  • Tabulate customers demand and provide necessary forecast to ensure factory has a clear info in establishing their production plan
  • Analyse product requirement in the market and liaise with internal team (Product Development team, RnD, Factory, etc.) to have the right products applied in the right market.

Qualification :

  • Bachelor degree or Master Degree in any major from reputable university
  • 3-5 years of working experience in retail sales/export sales/OEM sales from automotive industry or related business, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Excellent communications and interpersonal skills
  • Computer literate
  • Excellent in English both verbal and written
  • Good strategic planning and management skills
  • Willing to travel
  • Location Head Office, Jakarta

3. Shipping Document Staff

Qualifications :

  • Have the experience in handling shipping documents export at least for 1 year, preferably in an export oriented company (on the shipper-side/manufacturing company), or in the shipping line / freight forwarding company
  • Have the experience in liaising with shipping line / freight forwarding / trucking company in related to the preparation of export process
  • Having good understanding on export process and procedure i.e on general pre and post export procedure, or on specific ones i.e using L/C ( Letter of Credit ), filling-in Custom Export Declaration ( PEB – Pemberitahuan Export Barang ), understand how to use third party interface i.e such as INTTRA for booking arrangement, etc, preparation / revision documents for LPBC / KITE related on the export-side
  • Having a Degree (minimum Diploma) from related background (Transport Management is preferred) or with relevant work experience
  • Possess good command of English ( i.e regularly handle email communications in English )
  • Focus, Detailed and Meticulous
  • Location Head Office, Jakarta

4. Accounting & Finance Junior Manager

Job Description :

  • Develop and manage annual and multi-year budgets that are adequate for the organization’s needs including preparation of periodic budget forecasts
  • Prepare and maintain cash flow analyses as needed
  • Analyse monthly financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, and statement
    of cash flows) and effectively convey analysis to staff as requested
  • Assist in preparing year-end books for audit
  • Ensure operational compliance with policies, procedures and regulations for any
    necessary entities
  • Process vendor / store partners payments and check requests
  • Process employee reimbursements including managing employee credit card charges and reconcile credit card accounts
  • Reconcile bank accounts and general ledger accounts as assigned
  • Respond to inquiries from staff regarding budgets, deposits, disbursement and grant reporting requests.
  • Assist in reconciling all balance sheet and income statement accounts on a
    monthly/quarterly basis as indicated by the monthly closing schedule.
  • Process payroll and report payroll taxes for the organization
  • Resolve financial disputes raised by the customer service and store partners.
  • Being a key point of contact for other departments on financial and accounting matters
    Perform basic office management duties as requested
  • Location Head Office, Jakarta

Qualification :

  • Have at least three years experiences in finance 
  • Have an good understanding of accounting & tax submission
  • Expertise in Excel
  • Superb attention to detail
  • Well organized with good verbal, written, and interpersonal skills
  • Work effectively with staff and public
  • Work independently
  • Organize tasks, set priorities, meet deadlines, and manage multiple tasks
  • Demonstrate good judgment and good problem-solving skills
  • Respond appropriately to evaluation and changes in the work setting
  • Understanding of BCA for business online platform will be a plus

5. Driver Truk

Kualifikasi :

  • Lulusan SMA/sederajat
  • Memiliki pengalaman bekerja minimal 3 tahun di pekerjaan terkait
  • Terampil mengoperasikan dan merawat truk
  • Memiliki minimal SIM B2
  • Location Factory, Tangerang

Simak Juga : Lowongan SMA/SMK Sederajat Semua Jurusan Posisi Lainnya

Cara Melamar:

Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan daftar online melalui link berikut ini:


Hanya kandidat yang sesuai yang akan di proses lebih lanjut
Segala proses perkerutan tidak dipungut biaya sepeserpun !!!

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