Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | 12 Posisi

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Jika kalian sedang mencari lowongan kerja bulan Agustus 2020 ada banyak kategori lowongan yang bisa anda lamar mulai dari lowongan kerja SMA SMK terbaru, hingga lowongan kerja S1. Anda juga bisa mendaftar lowongan kerja online atau offline tergantung kualifikasi yang diminta pada info lowongan yang kami share di cakapainterview. Informasi lowongan kerja yang valid, bersumber dari situs resmi atau sosial media perusahaan yang berkaitan, dan tidak ada pungut biaya biaya apapun.

DIGITAL TALENT (Contract Based) – PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk 

PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang jasa layanan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dan jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Pemegang saham mayoritas Telkom adalah Pemerintah Republik Indonesia sebesar 52.09%, sedangkan 47.91% sisanya dikuasai oleh publik. Saham Telkom diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan kode (TLKM) dan New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) dengan kode (TLK).

Dalam upaya bertransformasi menjadi digital telecommunication company, TelkomGroup mengimplementasikan strategi bisnis dan operasional perusahaan yang berorientasi kepada pelanggan (customer-oriented). Berikut Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Telkom Indonesia yang bersumber dari laman resminya PT Telkom Indonesia , simak kualifikasi dibawah ini:



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja Minimal 3 Tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill: Deep learning, Machine learning or Robotic framework
  • Specific Soft Skill:
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills both Bahasa and Business English
  • Tools:
    • Experience with Caffe, TensorFlow, MxNet, Keras, Theno, Hadoop or Spark. Python or R or C++, SQL or NoSQL database.
  • Portofolio/project:
    • Certification from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations from Artificial Intellegence



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 3 Tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill:
    • Statistics and Data Engineer, big data technology, CRM Analytics, Data Modellar, Data Strategist, Machine Learning, Video Analytics, Data Engineer, Growth Hacking, Deep Learning, NLP, Business Analytics, Project Management, Domain Expert, or Data Visualization
  • Specific Soft Skill:
    • -Confident and persuasive communicator, excellent presentation skills, analytical and logical thinking and the confidence to defend assumptions, problem solving, projections and recommendations.
    • – Excellent written and oral communication skills both Bahasa and Business English.
    • – Demonstrate excellent organizational and people skills, including the ability to work independently and appropriately prioritise between competing opportunities



Requirements :

  • Background Pendidikan: S1 Design Communication Visual, Multimedia, Computer Science, IT, or related with Design
  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 1 Tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill: Proven UI experience
  • Demonstrable UI design skills with a strong portfolio
  • Solid experience in creating wireframes, storyboards, user flows, process flows and site maps
  • Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, Sketch, XD, or other visual design and wire-framing tools
  • Proficiency in Marvel, Invision,Figma or other prototyping tools.
  • Excellent visual design skills with sensitivity to user-system interaction
  • Ability to present your designs and sell your solutions to various stakeholders.
  • Ability to solve problems creatively and effectively
  • Has a strong understanding and knowledge in Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, or relate date with the latest UI trends, tech



Requirements :

  • Background Pendidikan: S1 Design Communication Visual, Multimedia, Computer Science, IT, or related with Design
  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 1 Tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill: Have a good understanding, how to design and conduct quantitative and qualitative research approaches, for discovery and evaluating purpose
  • Ability to understand user needs, behaviour, experience, and user motivation through various research method
  • Ability to build the criteria, requirements, and needs (product requirements) so the product can create the expected user experience journey.
  • Has strong knowledge and skill about interaction design and information architecture.
  • Proficiency in Marvel, Invision,Figma or other prototyping tools.
  • Ability to design, plan, and carry out usability testing with end-users to test hypotheses of the design, features, and workflow of a product.
  • Ability to solve problems creatively and effectively.
  • Excellence in analytical thinking, and data analyze
  • Excellence communication skills



Requirements :

  • Background Pendidikan: S1 Computer Science, Psychology, Management, or Subject related with Statistic and Research Method
  • Pengalaman Kerja: 1-3 years experience as UX Research Specialist or similar role
  • Digital Technical Skill: Have a good understanding and experience, how to design and conduct quantitative and qualitative research approaches, for discovery and evaluating purpose
  • Ability to understand user needs, behaviour, experience, and user motivation through various research method
  • Ability to understand user needs, behaviour, experience, and user motivation through various research method
  • Ability to build the criteria, requirements, and needs (product requirements) so the product can create the expected user experience journey.
  • Ability to design, plan, and carry out usability testing with end-users to test hypotheses of the design, features, and workflow of a product.
  • Comfortable launching and iterating quickly and using data
  • Critical thinker and problem-solving skills
  • Team Player
  • Good time management skill
  • Great Interpersonal and communication skills



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 2 tahun bekerja
  • Digital Technical Skill:
    • – Knowledge of Unix/Linux environments and CLI, SQL / NoSQL database.
    • – Knowledge about Microservices Architecture.
    • – Good Knowledge of RESTFul APIs.
    • – Experienced in building large-scale web apps/services/APIs.
    • – Experienced using Cloud Service (ex. AWS, Azure), Container Platform (Docker) & CI/CD deployment.



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 2 tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill:
    • – Minimum of 2 year experience as SRE/DevOps.
    • – Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
    • – Strong passion in technology, programming & software development.
    • – Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
    • – Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
    • – Very good analytical and logical thinking
    • – Good experience in solutions for high performance, scalability, reliability, microservices, SaaS architecture
    • – Very good experience in using continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, Gitlab-CI, etc
    • – Very good experience using cloud services such as AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.
    • – Good in scripting using Python, Bash scripting
    • – Experience with automation/configuration management using either Puppet, Chef, etc
    • – Very good understanding in linux environment
    • – Good experience using infrastructure as a code tools such as Terraform, Ansible, etc
    • – Experienced using Docker, Kubernetes, or other tools for containerization such as OpenShift.
    • – Good knowledge about database either SQL or NoSQL.
    • – Good Practice using Gitflow.
    • – Familiarity with test driven development.



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 2 tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill:
    • – Design and implement leading platform used and loved by hundreds of millions of users.
    • – Break down and implement solutions to complex and flexible business features.
    • – Maintain and improve our high-quality in-house JavaScript libraries and toolsets, for example a complete React UI framework following our design guidelines.
    • – Participate in fierce and candid code review with peers.
    • – Participate in regular internal technology sharings and other regional tech events.
    • – Continuously learn about new engineering techniques and technologies.
    • – Basic graphic design skills (i.e. Adobe Photoshop or similar)
    • – Knowledge of Unix/Linux environments and CLI.
    • – Knowledge and experience with Sass or LESS, ReactJS or VueJS.
    • – Good Knowledge of RESTFul API



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 2 tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill: Minimum of 2 years experience as scrum master.
  • Strong passion in technology & software development.
  • Expert level facilitation and communication skills: ability to facilitate teams through tough conversations and maintain a positive and supportive team environment.
  • Ability to respond quickly, flexibly and positively to change, using it as an opportunity to learn, develop, practice and support the organization.
  • Capable of defining problems, collecting data, establishing fact, drawing conclusions and recommending solutions.
  • Thorough understanding of the software development lifecycle.
  • Experience as QA or software developer.
  • Must be self-motivated as well as creative and efficient in proposing solutions to complex, time-critical problems.
  • Great knowledge and mindset about agile methodologies, especially Scrum & Kanban
  • Could be a facilitator of Scrum
  • Have an experience managing product/software development
  • Knowledge about JIRA, Confluence and Trello is a plus
  • Have a CSM / PSM is a big plus



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 2 tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill: Proven experience as software architect
  • Experience in software development and coding in various languages (C#, .NET, Java etc.)
  • Excellent knowledge of software and application design and architecture
  • Excellent knowledge of UML and other modeling methods
  • Familiarity with HTML/CSS, JavaScript and UI/UX design
  • Understanding of software quality assurance principles
  • A technical mindset with great attention to detail
  • High quality organizational and leadership skills
  • Outstanding communication and presentation abilities



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 2 tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill: Fluent in using Swagger or Apiary.
  • Experienced in using Confluence / Wiki.
  • Good Knowledge of Database,API, Agile Methodology such as Scrum or Kanban.
  • Expert in pseudocode,UML Design, ERD and Flowchart.
  • Familiar with user guide, system documentation, testing documentation, architectural documentation.



Requirements :

  • Pengalaman Kerja: Minimal 2 tahun
  • Digital Technical Skill: Strong knowledge of software QA Methodologies, tools and processes
  • Experience in writing clear, concise and comprehensive test plans and test cases
  • Fluent using Kobiton and Appium, Groovy. – Experienced in using Device Farms, Katalon.
  • Good Knowledge of Database, API, Agile Methodology such as Scrum or Kanban, UML, ERD and Flowchart.
  • Familiar with several tools such as TestRail, JMeter, SonarQube, Nessus, Postman, Selenium, Cypress, and Cucumber
  • Experience working in an Agile/Scrum development process
  • Experience with performance and/or security testing is a plus

Simak juga: Daftar Lowongan Kerja BUMN 2020

Cara Melamar:

Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Telkom Indonesia ini, silahkan kirimkan CV terbaru anda melalui email ke:


Periode Pendaftaran: 27 August 2020 – 31 December 2020
Hanya kandidat yang sesuai kualifikasi yang akan dihubungi lebih lanjut
Segala proses rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya apapun

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