PT Surya Madistrindo adalah perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh PT. Gudang Garam Tbk. untuk menjalankan distribusi produk-produk sigaret Gudang Garam bersama dengan 3 perusahaan distribusi lainnya. Di tahun 2009, SM ditunjuk sebagai distributor tunggal yang memegang kendali strategi distribusi dan field marketing untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Era globalisasi membuat zaman berubah begitu cepat, sehingga menyebabkan munculnya sejumlah profesi baru. Meskipun banyak profesi yang ada di dunia kerja, anak muda zaman sekarang cenderung memilih pekerjaan favorit di bidang yang disukainya.
Bidang pekerjaan yang disukai tersebut bisa menjadi ladang generasi muda milenial saat ini yang rata-rata sudah tanggap teknologi. Apakah Anda penasaran apa yang menjadi pilihan anak muda di era digital ini? Jika Anda adalah fresh graduate, maka wajar saja jika masih bingung ingin bekerja di bidang apa. Anda tentu saja sibuk mencari tahu jenis pekerjaan favorit pilihan masyarakat di era teknologi ini.
Posisi pekerjaan yang banyak di minati di tahun 2020 hingga tahun 2021 diantaranya; Bidang Keuangan, Perbankan, Administrasi, Aparatur Negara (PNS), Marketing, Tenaga Pengajar, Teknik, Entertainer, Jurnalis, Bidang IT, Industri Kreatif. Zaman sekarang, perkembangan teknologi begitu pesat, sehingga membuat daya saing masyarakat semakin ketat. Dari sekian banyak profesi di atas, Anda perlu tahu sejumlah pekerjaan favorit orang-orang di era globalisasi ini.
Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Madistrindo
Berikut ini ada PT Surya Madistrindo yang sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk posisi dan kualifikasi simak dibawah ini:
1. Software Engineer
Who are we looking for?
- Fresh Graduated are welcome, having 1-2 years experience is a plus
- Bachelor degree from any major
- Basic knowledge in OOP
- Basic knowledge in web/mobile programming language (Java/Go/Angular/Flutter)
- Basic knowledge in any SQL Programming
- Passionate to learn and adapt to new technologies
Your Responsibility:
- Join mentorship program that help candidates meets passing grade and get ready to accelerate with us
- Engaged in the full development life cycle such as developing, testing, deploying, maintaining, problem solving, and monitoring applications
- Conducting research on the latest technology to support user needs
- Daily progress report via project tools
- Do coding accurately and effectively as given standards
2. Senior Software Engineer
Who are we looking for?
- Having at least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position
- Bachelor’s degree from any major
- Must have experienced in Web Framework using Angular/ZK Framework
- Must have experienced in Java Programming, Spring, Go
- Must have experienced in database and SQL/PL
- Must have experienced in mobile native android/flutter
- Having knowledge in Kafka or Flutter is a plus
Your responsibility
- Engaged in the full development life cycle such as developing, testing, deploying, maintaining, problem solving, and monitoring applications
- Conducting research on the latest technology to support user needs
- Daily progress report via project tools
- Do coding accurately and effectively as given standards
3. Senior Support Specialist
Who are we looking for?
- Having at least 3-5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
- Bachelor’s degree from any major
- Proven experience in on-site and remote hardware and software troubleshooting, installation, and configuration, delivered efficiently and effectively
- Experience with desktop management solutions such as Ivanti or SCCM
- Experience with virtual desktop solutions such as Azure virtual desktop or Citrix
- Experience with mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions such as Microsoft Intune or Workspace One
- In-dept understanding of windows, Linux and MacOS operating systems, TCP/IP networking, and other network protocols
- In-dept understanding of IT Security, especially endpoint security
- Having relevant IT certification is a plus (e.g ITIL v4, compTIA+, Microsoft Certified Professional)
- Open for travelling for work-related purposes across nationwide branches
Your Responsibilites:
- Provide advanced technical support to end-users for hardware, software and network issues
Install, configure, and maintain computer systems, servers and network devices - Diagnose and resolve complex technical problems in a timely and efficient manner
- Manage and monitor IT endpoint & infrastructure, ensuring optimal performance and security
- Develop and maintain documentation for IT procedures and best practices
- Train and mentor junior IT support staff
- Stay up-to-date on the latest IT trends and technologies
Simak Juga : Lowongan S1 Semua Jurusan Posisi Lainnya
Cara Melamar:
Jika Anda salah satu kriteria yang ada di kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan kirim CV terbaru anda melalui email ke:
Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan di proses
Proses rekrutmen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun