PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk (MAP Active)

Lowongan Kerja PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk (MAP Active)

PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk didirikan pada tahun 2015 yang bergerak didalam bidang perdagangan eceran atas produk olahraga, golf, anak-anak serta gaya hidup di lebih dari 900 toko/outlet yang tersebar di wilayah Indonesia.

PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk mengoperasikan toko olahraga dan anak-anak, termasuk Planet Sports, Sports Station, Kidz Station, Golf House, Planet Sports, Planet Kids dll. PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk merupakan perusashaan yang tergabung dalam kelompok usaha Grup Mitra Adiperkasa.

Lowongan Kerja PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk (MAP Active)

Berikut ini ada PT MAP Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk (MAP Active) yang sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk posisi dan kualifikasi simak dibawah ini:

MAP Active Future Leadership Program 2025

  • MAP Active Future Leadership Program is a management trainee program that aimed to prepare future leaders through understanding the 360 degrees function in retail for MAP Active.
  • MAP Active has more than 150 brands across Sports, Fashion Footwear, and Kids with 40+ exclusive brands. MAP Active is currently operating in 81 cities across Indonesia with over 1,300 stores. Listed amongst the Top 60 Global Sporting Goods retailers, and the No #1 in SE Asia with presence internationally in; Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia,Vietnam, and Cambodia.
  • MAP Active plans to grow and preach its mission of a healthy body and spirit for all.

You’ll be a good fit if you qualified for these requirements below:

  • Possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree from any major with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Willing to work in operation shift and be placed in all cities in Indonesia.
  • Fluent in English, both verbal and written.
  • Having an internship experience is a plus.
  • Good communication skills, agility, high adaptability, and resilient towards the challenge, strong analytical skill and problem solving.

Simak Juga : Lowongan S1 Semua Jurusan Posisi Lainnya

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