Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Madistrindo, Hingga 19 Posisi

Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Madistrindo

Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Madistrindo September 2021 – PT Surya Madistrindo adalah perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh PT. Gudang Garam Tbk.untuk menjalankan distribusi produk-produk sigaret Gudang Garam bersama dengan 3 perusahaan distribusi lainnya. Di tahun 2009, SM ditunjuk sebagai distributor tunggal yang memegang kendali strategi distribusi dan field marketing untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Era globalisasi membuat zaman berubah begitu cepat, sehingga menyebabkan munculnya sejumlah profesi baru. Meskipun banyak profesi yang ada di dunia kerja, anak muda zaman sekarang cenderung memilih pekerjaan favorit di bidang yang disukainya.

Bidang pekerjaan yang disukai tersebut bisa menjadi ladang generasi muda milenial saat ini yang rata-rata sudah tanggap teknologi. Apakah Anda penasaran apa yang menjadi pilihan anak muda di era digital ini? Jika Anda adalah fresh graduate, maka wajar saja jika masih bingung ingin bekerja di bidang apa. Anda tentu saja sibuk mencari tahu jenis pekerjaan favorit pilihan masyarakat di era teknologi ini.

Posisi pekerjaan yang banyak di minati di tahun 2020 hingga tahun 2021 diantaranya; Bidang Keuangan, Perbankan, Administrasi, Aparatur Negara (PNS), Marketing, Tenaga Pengajar, Teknik, Entertainer, Jurnalis, Bidang IT, Industri Kreatif. Zaman sekarang, perkembangan teknologi begitu pesat, sehingga membuat daya saing masyarakat semakin ketat. Dari sekian banyak profesi di atas, Anda perlu tahu sejumlah pekerjaan favorit orang-orang di era globalisasi ini.

Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Madistrindo September 2021

Berikut ini ada PT Surya Madistrindo yang sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk posisi dan kualifikasi simak dibawah ini:

1. Operation Management Talent – Wilayah Operation Jawa

Qualifications :

  • Candidate must be bachelors degree (S1), in all major from reputable University
  • Minimum GPA 2.75
  • Male or Female with Maximum age 30 years old
  • Have passion to develop intrapersonal skill in Communication, and Managerial in Field.
  • For Business needs and Indivdual Employee Development, it is Mandatory to be available to placement of work in all Regions of Indonesia. 
  • Able to drive automatic and manial vehicles (both two-wheeled and four-wheeled)
  • Placement : Rangkas Bitung, Jakarta Simatupang, Kediri, Malang, Karawang, Bogor, Purwakarta,Surabaya, Solo, Pati, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, Semarang, Cilacap, Paiton, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Serang, Sukabumi, Jember, Blora, Banyuwangi, Madiun, Purwodadi, Bandung, Semarang, Tasikmalaya, Subang, Pekalongan and Tangerang.

2. Operation Management Talent – Wilayah Operation Sumatera

Qualifications :

  • Candidate must be bachelors degree (S1), in all major from reputable University
  • Minimum GPA 2.75
  • Male or Female with Maximum age 30 years old
  • Have passion to develop intrapersonal skill in Communication, and Managerial in Field.
  • For Business needs and Indivdual Employee Development, it is Manadatory to be available to placement of work in all Regions of Indonesia.
  • Able to drive automatic and manial vehicles (both two-wheeled and four-wheeled)
  • Placement : Kota Bumi, Padang Sidempuan, Batam, Padang, Muara Bungo, Kota Agung, Baturaja, Belitung, Jambi, Bangka, Lahat, Baturaja, Lampung, Medan Kabanjahe, Bengkulu, Bukittinggi, Kotabumi, Lhokseumawe, Batam, Kisaran, Palembang, Medan Setiabudi, and Lubuk Linggau

3. Operation Management Talent – Wilayah Operation Indonesia Timur

Qualifications :

  • Candidate must be bachelors degree (S1), in all major from reputable University Minimum GPA 2.75 Male or Female with Maximum age 30 years old.
  • Have passion to develop intrapersonal skill in Communication, and Managerial in Field.
  • For Business needs and Indivdual Employee Development, it is Manadatory to be available to placement of work in all Regions of Indonesia.
  • Have SIM A & C
  • Able to drive automatic and manial vehicles (both two-wheeled and four-wheeled)
  • Placement : Barabai, Gorontalo, Mataram, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Ketapang, Pontianak, Sintang, Tobelo, Manado, Toli-Toli, Kupang, Tarakan, Ruteng, Singaraja, Kendari, Waingapu, Balikpapan, Manokwari, Ende, Sorong, Parepare, Jayapura, Timika, Biak, Merauke, Nabire, Bone, Ambon, Masohi, Maumere and Berau.

4. Internal Audit – Operation Control Officer

Qualifications :

  • Male, age maximum 35 years
  • Graduated Bachelors Degree (S1) Majoring Accounting from Reputable University  with a minimum GPA of 2.75
  • Experienced min 1 years as Internal Auditor in the audit process Project Implementation, Process Improvement and Staff Development
  • Understand the process of implementation of control system & procedure and Standard Operating Procedure in the company 
  • Mastering computer applications MS Office & Accounting Software
  • Communicative, honest, passionated and able to work in teams  
  • For Business needs and Indivdual Employee Development, it is Mandatory to be available to placement of work in all Regions of Indonesia

5. Admin Data Marketing

Qualifications :

  • Male / Female, maximum 30 years old 
  • Minimum education is D3 / S1
  • Communicative
  • Preferably those who have expertise and experience in their field of at least 1 year
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • This position is open for the following location: Batam

6. Senior Web Application Development Specialist

Qualifications :

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Must have work experienced in Java Programming.
  • Must have experienced in ZK Framework, and Spring.
  • Must have work experienced in building application to do validation, performance tuning and unit testing.
  • Good knowledge in Oracle Database and SQL/PL.
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Able to working in team, communicative, honest and passionate.

7. Admin General Affair

Qualifications :

  • Male / Female, maximum 30 years old
  • Minimum education is S1
  • Communicative and high precision.
  • Have sim A & C 
  • Placement at Lampung Pringsewu

8. Content Writer

Qualifications :

  • Bachelor’s degree required.
  • Two to 3 years of writing experience in a professional environment.
  • Portfolio of past work.
  • Proficient in analytical, organizational, project management, interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written) and problem resolution.
  • Advanced skills with Microsoft applications which may include Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other web-based applications.
  • Able to work in a large organization and adapt with the local culture.
  • Willing to travel.
  • BS/BA degree preferably in Journalism, Communications, or equivalent training and education.

9. Software Test Engineer

Qualifications :

  • Graduated Bachelor Degree from reputable university with a minimum GPA of 3.00 or equivalent.
  • Graduated from any major.
  • Have minimum 1 years of experience in IT Industries.
  • Experienced in testing an application software involving business process scenario.
  • Experienced in designing and writing their own test case/test scenario document is a plus.
  • Experienced in doing data setup for their testing scenarios is a plus.
  • Experienced with Testing Automation Software is a plus.
  • Possess good presentation skills
  • Possess quantitative and analytical skills with attention to detail

10. Helper

Qualifications :

  • Maximum age is 35 years Old
  • Candidate must be High School Graduated 
  • Experienced in the field of loading and unloading goods & have a passion in the field of marketing
  • Have good personality & communication skills
  • Have Sim A or B
  • Placement : Tangerang, Banyuwangi, Madiun, Manado, Semarang, Bukittinggi, Ambon, Palu, Probolinggo, Kabanjahe, Timika, Ende, Kota Agung, Sorong, Cengkareng, Biak, Merauke, Lampung – Metro, Jambi, Pengenal, Trenggalek, Waingapu, Medan Setiabudi, Gorontalo, Bandung, Masohi, Muarabungo, Tasikmalaya, Batam, Ruteng, and Meulaboh.

11. Operator

Qualifications :

  • Male age maximum 30 years old.
  • Minimum High School graduated/SMK/D3.
  • Physically & mentally healthy..
  • Placement Bau Bau, Blitar, Bojonegoro, Cengkareng, Bandung, Cirebon and Medan Kebanjahe

12. Admin Gudang POSM

Qualifications :

  • Male or Female
  • Maximum 30 years old.
  • Minimum D3 from all major.
  • Fresh graduated or experienced. 
  • Minimum GPA 2.75

13. Legal Assistant Manager

Qualifications :

  • S/1 Hukum.
  • Maximum age 40 tahun.
  • Minimum 10 tahun pengalaman di bidang hukum (lebih diutamakan yang pernah bekerja di kantor/konsultan hukum 3-5 tahun.
  • Sangat bagus dalam segala bentuk/situasi berkomunikasi, dan sangat kuat dalam analisa dan penyelesaian masalah.
  • Lulus sertifikasi Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI).
  • Pemahaman atau pengalaman di industri rokok atau FMCG akan diprioritaskan

14. Security

Qualifications :

  • Male, max 30 years old
  • Minimum high school education
  • Have a first guard certificate/GADA Pratama
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Have SIM A/C
  • Placement : Tuban, Situbondo, Malang, Bandung, and Banyuwangi

15. Software Engineer

Qualifications :

  • Fresh graduated are welcome, having 1 – 2 years experience is a plus.
  • Bachelor’s degree from any Major. 
  • Passionate to learn and adapt to new technologies.
  • Basic knowledge in any SQL Programming.
  • Basic knowledge in OOP.
  • Basic knowledge in any web/mobile programming language, having knowledge in Java is a plus

16. Admin Personnel

Qualifications :

  • Male / Female, maximum 28 years old
  • Minimum education is S1 3. GPA Min 3.00
  • Communicative
  • Open for freshgraduated
  • Able to Operate Ms Office
  • Placement : Bandung

17. Senior Data Management Development Specialist

Qualifications :

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Male/Female is welcome
  • Must have experienced in SQL / PL SQL Oracle, Oracle Development Tools, BI or Reporting tools.
  • Must have work experienced in logical database modeling and physical database design
  • Must have work experienced in building systems to do validation, performance  tuning and unit testing.
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Able to working in team, communicative, honest and passionate

18. Application Support Specialist

Qualifications :

  • Candidate from Bachelor’s Degree (S1), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent, IPK min 3.00 
  • Fresh graduate are welcome  
  • Male/Female are welcome and maximum 30 years old. 
  • Must be able to code and have a good sense of logic.
  • Good knowledge in OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and Relational Database, SQL and PL/SQL.  
  • Experienced develop Mobile Android is a plus.
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Good customer service and relationship management experience
  • Managing ticketed problem and ensuring comprehensive solution.
  • Able to working in team, communicative, honest and passionate.

19. Driver

Qualifications :

  • Maximun age is 30 Years old
  • Candidate must be High School Graduated 
  • Have a SIM A or B II
  • Experienced as a driver & have a passion in the field of marketing
  • Have good personality & communication skills
  • Placement : Banjarmasin, Singkawang, Ketapang, Surabaya, Tangerang, Semarang, Luwuk, Lubuk Linggau, Singaraja, Ruteng, Muara Bungo, Ende, Sumbawa, Denpasar, Kotabumi, Banda Aceh, Manado, Jayapura, Praya, Padangsidempuan, Pekanbaru, Rengat, Bengkulu, Jambi, Palembang, Kisaran, Malang, Baturaja, Lahat, Madiun, Trenggalek, Bangka, Kediri, Nunukan, Praya, Bandung, Aro Kota Agung, Indramayu, Cengkareng, Masohi, Kendari, and Padang

Simak Juga : Lowongan SMA/SMK Sederajat Semua Jurusan Posisi Lainnya

Cara Melamar:

Jika Anda salah satu kriteria yang ada di kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Madistrindo September 2021, silahkan mendaftar secara online melalui link berikut:

1. OMT – Wilayah Operation Jawa : DAFTAR
2. OMT – Wilayah Operation Sumatera : DAFTAR
3. OMT – Wilayah Operation Indonesia Timur : DAFTAR
4. Internal Audit – Operation Control Officer : DAFTAR
5. Admin Data Marketing : DAFTAR
6. Senior Web Application Development Specialist : DAFTAR
7. Admin General Affair : DAFTAR
8. Content Writer : DAFTAR
9. Software Test Engineer : DAFTAR
10. Helper : DAFTAR
11. Operator : DAFTAR
12. Admin Gudang POSM : DAFTAR
13. Legal Assistant Manager : DAFTAR
14. Security : DAFTAR
15. Software Engineer : DAFTAR
16. Admin Personnel : DAFTAR
17. Senior Data Management Development Specialist : DAFTAR
18. Application Support Specialist : DAFTAR
19. Driver : DAFTAR

Paling lambat 30 September 2021
Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan di proses
Proses rekrutmen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun

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