Lowongan Kerja Lion Super Indo. Jika kalian sedang mencari informasi lowongan kerja, saat ini PT Lion Super Indo sedang membuka kesempatan karir untuk posisi dan kualifikasi tertera dibawah ini. Sebelum melamar pastikan kalian sudah membaca syarat dan ketentuan pada lowongan agar peluang diterima kerja lebih besar.
Lowongan Kerja Lion Super Indo Besar-Besaran Juni 2020
PT Lion Super Indo (Super Indo) merupakan supermarket di Indonesia. Sejak tahun 1997, Super Indo tumbuh dan berkembang bersama komunitas Indonesia melalui kemitraan antara Salim Group, Indonesia, dan Ahold Delhaize, Belanda. Saat ini, Super Indo memiliki 163 gerai yang tersebar di 38 kota di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera Selatan serta 7 supermarket waralaba (Super Indo Express) yang berlokasi di Tangerang Selatan, Bekasi, & Depok.
Didukung oleh lebih dari 8.000 rekanan terlatih, Super Indo menyediakan berbagai macam barang untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan kualitas yang dapat diandalkan dan harga yang ekonomis di gerainya yang mudah dijangkau.
1. Retail Management Trainee (RMT)
- Fresh graduates (any major) or max. 2 years of working experiences
- Min. GPA of 3.00
- Interested in Store Career Management
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Willing to be placed in Stores Jakarta during the program
- Willing to be placed in all Stores with shift-based
2. Employer Branding Specialist
- Bachelor Degree in any major
- Experience in branding field
- Creative, flexible, have good analytial dan conceptual thinking
- Social media savvy
- Able to use design application is value added
- Have good communication skill
- Ability to organize and prioritize to meet deadlines
- Energetic; willing to travel
- Placement : JAKARTA
3. Recruiter
- Bachelor Degree in Psychology
- Minimum GPA of 3.00
- Fresh Graduates or max. 2 years experience in recruitment & selection field
- Able to administered Psychological test tools and creating the Psychological report analysis/interpretation
- Experienced of having Behavioral Event Interview
- Good analytical & conceptual thinking
- Good communication skills
- Proficient in English both spoken and written
- Must have the ability to organize and prioritize to meet deadlines
- Willing to travel
- Placement: JAKARTA
4. Succession Planning Specialist
- Bachelor Degree in Psychology / Human Resources Management
- Min. GPA of 3.00
- Have good analytical and conceptual thinking
- Have good communication and interpersonal skill
- People-oriented development mindset
- Responsible for creating associate development report
- Office related computer applications usage is required
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
- Placement : JAKARTA
5. IT Programmer
- Bachelor Degree in Information Technology/Computer Science
- Fresh graduate welcome to apply
- Having experience in IT Programming would be advantage
- Understand Unified Modeling Language (UML) System Design
- C#.NET Programming (Web & Desktop) & SQL Programming
- Microsoft .NET MVC (Front-End Programming)
- API Development (Back-End Programming)
- Deep Analytical Thinking
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
- Placement : JAKARTA
6. Staff Gudang DC Mojokerto
- Lulusan SMA/SMK Sederajat
- Usia 18 – 25 tahun (memiliki KTP)
- Memiliki tinggi badan min. 160 cm (pria) dan 155 cm (wanita)
- Bersedia bekerja hari Sabtu/Minggu atau hari libur Nasional dengan sistem shift
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani
- Penempatan : DC MOJOKERTO
7. Operator Forklift DC Mojokerto
- Pria
- Usia 18–30 tahun (memiliki KTP)
- Lulusan SMA/SMK Sederajat
- Tinggi badan min. 160cm
- Wajib memiliki SIO (Surat Izin Operator)
- Mampu mengemudikan forklift jenis Reach Truck
- Berpengalaman di bidang warehouse/gudang
- Bersedia bekerja hari Sabtu/Minggu atau hari libur Nasional
- Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem shift
- Penempatan : DC MOJOKERTO
8. DC Logistic Supervisor
- Bachelor degree in any major
- Min. GPA of 3.00
- Min. 1 – 2 years experience in Logistics and Warehouse Management
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- Knowledge in supply chain and process
- Placement: CIKARANG
9. Private Brand Supervisor
- Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major.
- Proficient in computer application: MS. Office.
- Detail oriented.
- Having interest and knowledge in marketing.
- Proficient in English, both speaking & writing.
- Good negotiation skill, communication, and analytical thinking.
- Good in time management & interpersonal skill
10. Buying System Development And Procedures Supervisor
- Minimum Bachelor Degree: any major, minimum GPA 3,00
- Fresh graduates, or 1 year experience in retail project is an advantage
- Good communication skill in English (spoken and written)
- Good analytical, logic, & systematical thinking
- Have experience in creating documentation for business processes will be advantage
- Initiative, has a strong willingness to explore
- Excellent in MS Office
- Placement : JAKARTA
11. Buying Administration
- Bachelor degree from any major, preferable in administration
- Min. GPA of 3.00
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
- Have good analytical thinking and communication skill
- Have knowledge about retail business perspective
- Proficient in basic computer application: MS. Office, MS. Excel, MS. PowerPoint
- Placement : JAKARTA
12. Finance Specialist
- Bachelor Degree in Finance/Accounting
- Min. GPA of 3.00
- Fresh graduates or max. 2 years experience in related fields
- Have strong knowledge of financial
- Experience in the use of data entry programs
- Familiarity with bank cash management systems
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
- Placement : JAKARTA
13. Property Specialist
- Bachelor Degree in any major
- Min. GPA of 3.00
- Open for fresh graduate, will be an advantage with min. 1 year experience equivalent
- Proficient in English both verbal and written
- Strong administration
- Good communication with various people
- Able to adapt and work in fast pace
- Detail in handling with data
- Placement: JAKARTA
14. Food Service Staff
- Pria/Wanita
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Lulusan SMK jurusan Tata Boga/Perhotelan
- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai cook helper minimal 1 tahun
- Tinggi badan minimal untuk Laki-laki 160cm
- Tinggi badan minimal untuk Wanita 155cm
- Sehat secara jasmani & berpenampilan menarik
- Bersedia ditempatkan diSuper Indo Dago (Bandung)
- Bersedia bekerja sistem shift
- Bersedia masuk kerja di hari Sabtu/Minggu/hari libur nasional
15. Kasir / Pramuniaga
- Pria/wanita
- Lulusan SMA/SMK sederajat
- Usia maks. 25 tahun
- Tinggi badan minimal Laki-laki: 160 cm; Wanita: 155 cm (LUAR JABODETABEK)
- Tinggi badan minimal Laki-laki: 165 cm; Wanita: 155 cm (JABODETABEK)
- Sehat jasmani & berpenampilan menarik
- Bersedia bekerja sistem shift & hari Sabtu/Minggu atau hari libur Nasional
16. Staff Admin
- Minimal Lulusan D3
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Mampu mengoperasikan MS Office
- Mampu bekerja dengan deadline
- Rapi, detail dan teliti
- Sehat secara jasmani
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta Selatan
17. Teknisi – Jawa Timur
- Pria
- Usia maks. 35 tahun
- Lulusan SMK teknik mesin/elektro
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Sehat jasmani
- Bersedia bekerja hari Sabtu/Minggu atau hari libur nasional dengan sistem shift
- Bersedia bekerja mobile
- Bersedia ditempatkan di area Jawa Timur
Cara Melamar:
Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan kerja lion Super Indo ini, silahkan mendaftar secara online klik link posisi di bawah ini:
- Retail Management Trainee (RMT) | DAFTAR
- Employer Branding Specialist | DAFTAR
- Recruiter | DAFTAR
- Succession Planning Specialist | DAFTAR
- IT Programmer | DAFTAR
- Staff Gudang DC Mojokerto | DAFTAR
- Operator Forklift DC Mojokerto | DAFTAR
- DC Logistic Supervisor | DAFTAR
- Private Brand Supervisor | DAFTAR
- Buying System Development And Procedures Supervisor | DAFTAR
- Buying Administration | DAFTAR
- Finance Specialist | DAFTAR
- Property Specialist | DAFTAR
- Food Service Staff | DAFTAR
- Kasir / Pramuniaga | DAFTAR
- Staff Admin | DAFTAR
- Teknisi – Jawa Timur | DAFTAR