PT Aisin Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT Aisin Indonesia

PT Aisin Indonesiaadalah produsen otomotif seperti Clutch Cover, Clutch Disc, Door Lock, Door Frame, Door Engsel, Door Handle, Hood Lock, Window Regulator, Intake Manifold, Cover Head Cylinder. PT Aisin Indonesia mendukung pembuat mobil dengan produk bernilai tinggi untuk memastikan pengalaman berkendara yang nyaman dan aman.

Era globalisasi membuat zaman berubah begitu cepat, sehingga menyebabkan munculnya sejumlah profesi baru. Meskipun banyak profesi yang ada di dunia kerja, anak muda zaman sekarang cenderung memilih pekerjaan favorit di bidang yang disukainya.

Bidang pekerjaan yang disukai tersebut bisa menjadi ladang generasi muda milenial saat ini yang rata-rata sudah tanggap teknologi. Apakah Anda penasaran apa yang menjadi pilihan anak muda di era digital ini? Jika Anda adalah fresh graduate, maka wajar saja jika masih bingung ingin bekerja di bidang apa. Anda tentu saja sibuk mencari tahu jenis pekerjaan favorit pilihan masyarakat di era teknologi ini.

Posisi pekerjaan yang banyak di minati di tahun 2020 hingga tahun 2021 diantaranya; Bidang Keuangan, Perbankan, Administrasi, Aparatur Negara (PNS), Marketing, Tenaga Pengajar, Teknik, Entertainer, Jurnalis, Bidang IT, Industri Kreatif. Zaman sekarang, perkembangan teknologi begitu pesat, sehingga membuat daya saing masyarakat semakin ketat. Dari sekian banyak profesi di atas, Anda perlu tahu sejumlah pekerjaan favorit orang-orang di era globalisasi ini.

Lowongan Kerja PT Aisin Indonesia

Tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja PT Aisin Indonesia ? Siapkan berkas lamaran dan CV anda beserta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut kualifikasinya, simak dibawah ini:

1. Corporate Planning Supervisor

Job Descriptions :

  • Control and ensure the flow of company’s cost budget and make sure its aligned with the cost budget plan and company’s target
  • Create and present reports to management regarding company’s cost budget activity and its forecast

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s Degree (S1) of Accounting/Economy
  • Male with maximum age 29 years old
  • At least 2 years experiences in the same field
  • Familiar and have good knowledge about Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel (Macro Excel), and SAP Used to make and present data reports
  • Good interpersonal and communication skill
  • Adaptable and a good team player
  • Willing to be placed at Cikarang (Bekasi), West Java

2. Recruitment & Org. Development Supervisor

Job Descriptions :

  • Handle end-to-end recruitment process for D3 & S1 level and ensure its aligned with business process needs
  • Lead & control end-to-end recruitment process for operator level with the recruitment team
  • Handle organization development needs by updating & controlling man power needs, organization structure, job description and job specification for each function

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree (S1) of Psychology/ Industrial Engineering
  • Male or Female with maximum age 28 years old
  • Preferably people with experience in the same field for at least 2 years, but fresh graduated with passion in recruitment & organization development are also welcome to apply
  • Have good knowledge about end-to-end recruitment process and overall organization development area
  • A leader with good coordination and communication skill
  • Excellent problem solver & decision maker
  • Willing to be placed at Cikarang (Bekasi), West Java

3. Maintenance Leader

Job Descriptions :

  • Ensure the maintenance (corrective. preventive. predictive) activity is running based on company’s target and standard
  • Develop and improve its work system to make sure the job process is running effectively and efficiently
  • Handle man management activity for all man power in maintenance area

Requirements :

  • Associate’s degree (D3) of Mechanical/Manufacture Engineering
  • Male with maximum age 25 years old
  • Fresh graduate or people with maximum 2 years experiences are both welcome to apply
  • Have good knowledge about basic maintenance management activity
  • A leader with good communication and coordination skill
  • Excellent problem solver & decision maker
  • Willing to be placed at Cikarang (Bekasi), West Java

4. Operation Mangement Dev (OMD) Staff

Job Descriptions :

  • Planning and implementation of TPS principles on the production line.
  • Ability to implement the Toyota Production System throughout the manufacturing process to increase efficiency, improve quality, and reduce waste.

Requirements :

  • D3 of Mechanical/Manufacturing Process Engineering
  • Male, maximum 23 years old
  • Fresh graduate
  • Understand manufacturing production system
  • Good analytical thingking & Problem solving skill
  • Good communication & coordination skill
  • Willing to be placed at Karawang, West Java

5. Quality Assurance (Henkaten) Leader

Job Descriptions :

  • Ensure the quality (henkaten) process is running according to company’s standard and guideline
  • Develop & improve its work system to make sure the job process is running effectively & efficiently

Requirements :

  • Associate’s degree (D3) of Mechanical/Manufacture Engineering
  • Male with maximum age 25 years old
  • Fresh graduate or experiences are both welcome to apply
  • Passionate and willing to learn & develop himself. especially in quality assurance area
  • Have good knowledge about basic henkaten management activity will be a plus point
  • Meticulous and neat when it comes to work
  • Good communication and coordination skill
  • Willing to be placed at Karawang, West Java

6. Safety Staff

Job Descriptions :

  • Develop Safety work program and plan its implementation
  • Analyze the couse of work and implement the prevention promote safety campaign and safety communication to employees

Requirements :

  • Associate’s degree (D3) in Environmental Engineering, HSE, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or Electrical Engineering
  • Male with maximum age 27 years old
  • Fresh graduate or people with maximum 3 years experiences are both welcome to apply
  • Work effectively in fast-paced implementation environment
  • Have a good communication skill, innvative, and agile
  • Willing to be placed at Karawang. West Java

7. Training Staff

Job Descriptions :

  • Analyze needs, plan and implement training according to employee needs.
  • Ability to create training materials using Power Point or Videos with interesting animations.

Requirements :

  • D3 of Mechanical/Manufacturing Process Engineering/Multimedia/Visual Communication Design.
  • Male of Female, with maximum age 23 years old
  • Fresh graduate
  • Understand manufacturing production system will be a plus point
  • Good analytical thingking & Problem solving skill
  • Good communication & coordination skill
  • Willing to be placed at Karawang, West Java

Simak Juga : Lowongan D3 Semua Jurusan Posisi Lainnya

Cara Melamar:

Jika Anda salah satu kriteria yang ada di kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan kirim CV terbaru anda melalui email ke:
Subject Email : Posisi Yang Dilamar_Nama

*hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan di proses
Proses rekrutmen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun

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