PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)

Walk In Interview PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)

Lowongan Kerja PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air) – Susi Air adalah maskapai penerbangan Indonesia yang dioperasikan oleh PT ASI Pujiastuti Aviation dengan penerbangan berjadwal dan charter. PT ASI Pujiastuti Aviation (Susi Air) berkantor pusat di Pangandaran, Jawa Barat, Susi Air beroperasi dari lima basis utama yaitu Jakarta, Medan, Kendari, Bandung, Balikpapan, Cilacap dan Sentani.

Persaingan dalam dunia kerja memang sangat ketat, kamu bayangkan dari banyak lulusan universitas atau sekolah dalam negeri yang berlomba-lomba mendapatkan pekerjaan, dan ini bukan hal yang baru, ini terjadi pada setiap tahun. Maka dari itu penting sekali untuk menjadi salah satu calon kandidat yang dicari oleh perusahaan, ini bukan berati anda harus dari lulusan universitas/sekolah negeri atau IPK tinggi.

Setiap perusahaan selalu membutuhkan calon karyawan berkualitas yang mampu bekerja maksimal sesuai job desknya, yang bisa di ajak bekerja sama dalam membangun visi dan misi perusahaan untuk kedepannya. Jadi persiapakan dalam membuat CV atau Cover letter yang benar-benar menggambarkan siapa diri anda, tunjukan bahwa anda orang yang siap bekerja dan bisa dipercaya untuk menjalankan tugas pekerjaan yang diberikan perusahaan.

Proses atau tahapan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon karyawan pada umumnya dilakukan secara bertahap yang nantinya HRD ingin mendapatkan calon karyawan yang terbaik. Mungkin Anda masih belum tau apa saja tahapannya, pada umumnya yaitu: pertama tahapan Screening CV atau seleksi Administrasi Berkas, lalu kedua Wawancara HRD, interview HRD, Wawancara dengan User, dan Tes Psikotes.

Lowongan Kerja PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)

Tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)? Siapkan berkas lamaran dan CV anda beserta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut kualifikasi Lowongan PT Sayap Mas Utama, simak dibawah ini:


Qualifications :

  • Minimum Bachelor/Diploma Degree
  • Minimum 1 years work experience in media, digital agency or other creative industries
  • Experienced of Familiar with Abode Creative Suite & Figma
  • Experienced or Familiar with Using Camera
  • Proactive, creative and innovative in designing or video campaign, promotion and related posts
  • Good in teamwork and managing workload
  • High attention to detail
  • Familiar in social media handling
  • Having experience became content creator
  • Familiar with drone operating
  • Please attach your CV in English Version and Portofolio
  • Willing to work In Pangandaran, West Java

Document Requirements :

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume or CV
  • Photo KTP
  • Ijazah
  • Portofolio
  • Certificate & Additional Document


Qualifications :

  • Minimum Bachelor/Diploma Degree
  • Minimum 1 years work experience in media, digital agency or other creative industries
  • Experienced of Familiar with Abode Creative Suite & Figma
  • Experienced or Familiar with Using Camera
  • Proactive, creative and innovative in designing or video campaign, promotion and related posts
  • Good in teamwork and managing workload
  • High attention to detail
  • Familiar in social media handling
  • Having experience became content creator
  • Familiar with drone operating
  • Please attach your CV in English Version and Portofolio
  • Willing to work In Pangandaran, West Java

Document Requirements :

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume or CV
  • Photo KTP
  • Ijazah
  • Portofolio
  • Certificate & Additional Document


Qualifications :

  • Minimum 3 years of web and mobile development experience
  • Strong database experience with SQL and NoSql
  • Proven experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
  • Experience with AJAX, JSON
  • Good communication, leadership and strong analytical thinking
  • Experience with E – commerce websites
  • Proven experience is REST API
  • Able to develop using VueJs or NuxtJs, React or NextJs, Typescript is a great plus
  • Experience in mobile or hybrid application (os ana Android) is a great plus
  • Able to start work immediately or with short notice
  • English is a mandatory

Responsibilities :

  • Update website with the most current information
  • Develop, test and deploy dynamic web – based solutions
  • Develop mobile apps and or hybrid apps is a plus
  • Integrate third party system like payment solution, travel agency
  • Work collaboratively with business and operation to determine web templates, designs and user journey
  • Work as back end and front end developer


Requirements :

  • At least 4 years hands on experience working on the Piaggio P180 Avanti
  • A&P FAA certificate or EASA license, any other authorization can be separately considered
  • Communicate effectively in English
  • Good in fault troubleshooting and perform heavy maintenance on the Piaggio P180 Avanti
  • Familiar with Pratt and Whitney engine PT6A – 66B
  • Must possess sufficient hand tools to perform his/her duties as maintenance engineer/technician
  • Willing to stay and work in Indonesia

Responsibilities :

  • Perform scheduled and unscheduled maintenance/inspection
  • Plan for Piaggio P180 Avanti maintenance scheduled
  • Assist the pilots with daily pre and post flight checks

Job Type :

  • Full – time, contract, permanent
  • Susi Air will provide accommodation, food and transportation while in Indonesia plus round trip tickets to your home country

Simak Juga : Lowongan D3 Semua Jurusan Posisi Lainnya

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Pendaftaran paling lambat 31 Januari 2024
Segala proses rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya apapun

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