PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk

Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk

Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk – PT Adaro Energy Tbk adalah perusahaan pertambangan unggul dan produsen batu bara terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Adaro Energy telah berkembang menjadi organisasi yang terintegrasi secara vertikal, dengan anak-anak perusahaan yang berpusat pada energi termasuk pertambangan, transportasi dengan kapal besar, pemuatan di kapal, pengerukan, jasa pelabuhan, pemasaran dan penghasil listrik.

Persaingan dalam dunia kerja memang sangat ketat, kamu bayangkan dari banyak lulusan universitas atau sekolah dalam negeri yang berlomba-lomba mendapatkan pekerjaan, dan ini bukan hal yang baru, ini terjadi pada setiap tahun. Maka dari itu penting sekali untuk menjadi salah satu calon kandidat yang dicari oleh perusahaan, ini bukan berati anda harus dari lulusan universitas/sekolah negeri atau IPK tinggi.

Setiap perusahaan selalu membutuhkan calon karyawan berkualitas yang mampu bekerja maksimal sesuai job desknya, yang bisa di ajak bekerja sama dalam membangun visi dan misi perusahaan untuk kedepannya. Jadi persiapakan dalam membuat CV atau Cover letter yang benar-benar menggambarkan siapa diri anda, tunjukan bahwa anda orang yang siap bekerja dan bisa dipercaya untuk menjalankan tugas pekerjaan yang diberikan perusahaan.

Proses atau tahapan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon karyawan pada umumnya dilakukan secara bertahap yang nantinya HRD ingin mendapatkan calon karyawan yang terbaik. Mungkin Anda masih belum tau apa saja tahapannya, pada umumnya yaitu: pertama tahapan Screening CV atau seleksi Administrasi Berkas, lalu kedua Wawancara HRD, interview HRD, Wawancara dengan User, dan Tes Psikotes.

Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk

Tertarik dengan Info Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk? Siapkan berkas lamaran dan CV anda beserta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut kualifikasinya, simak dibawah ini:

1. Recruitment Officer

Job Responsibilities :

  • Conduct the recruitment process with the methods/tools that have been determined to ensure the employees who are accepted have the quality and competence in accordance with the needs of the position they occupy.
  • Ensure the process and quality of the selection results are in accordance with the company’s needs .
  • Ensure that all administration related to the selection process is available and complete in order to implement compliance with company policies.
  • Provide opinions, suggestions, and assistance to users related to the results of employee assessments, to assist users in understanding the results of employee assessments in their work units.

Job Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree of Psychology, Business Administration, or other related major (min GPA of 3.0)
  • 1-2 years of working experience as Recruiter would be beneficial
  • Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Good communication and interpersonal skill
  • Fast learner, able to work in fast-paced environment

2. Recruitment Support Officer

Job Responsibilities :

Perform administrative tasks for the entire recruitment and employee placement process, including coordinating with users, candidates, and external parties involved in the recruitment and placement of employees within the company, in order to support the smooth execution of all recruitment and placement processes in accordance with the company’s established systems and procedures.

  • Execute administrative selection processes for all incoming job applications to identify potential candidates for further selection processes.
  • Manage all administrative processes related to recruitment and placement, creating a systematic and accurate candidate database system, and ensuring the completeness of candidate data in line with applicable policies and standards to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the recruitment and employee placement process.
  • Coordinate the scheduling of the entire recruitment and assessment process by contacting relevant parties and updating progress at each stage of the candidate selection process to ensure the smooth and organized execution of all recruitment and placement processes.
  • Facilitate employee promotions and rotations within the company by coordinating with relevant parties to ensure that these processes are carried out in accordance with existing policies and procedures.
  • Coordinate the employee resignation process by liaising with relevant parties, ensuring that the process adheres to the company’s policies and procedures.
  • Inform newly hired employees through internal channels to ensure that employees in the company receive up-to-date information about new hires.
  • Generate periodic recruitment expenses reports to ensure that all financial administrative data is collected in accordance with the company’s policies.

Job Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering with min GPA 3.0
  • 1-2 years of work experience as an HR Support Staff or Recruitment Support Staff
  • Strong competencies in Administrative Management, Database Management, and Project Management.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Detail-oriented.

Simak Juga : Lowongan Kerja Lulusan S1 Posisi Lainnya

Cara Melamar:

Jika Anda salah satu kriteria yang ada di kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan mendaftar secara online:

Posisi 1 : DAFTAR
Posisi 2 : DAFTAR

Hanya kandidat yang sesuai kualifikasi yang diproses lebih lanjut
Proses rekrutmen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun

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