PT Freeport Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia – PT Freeport Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan tambang terkemuka di dunia. PT Freeport Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang melakukan eksplorasi, menambang, dan memproses bijih yang mengandung tembaga, emas, dan perak di daerah dataran tinggi di Kabupaten Mimika, Provinsi Papua, Indonesia.

Persaingan dalam dunia kerja memang sangat ketat, kamu bayangkan dari banyak lulusan universitas atau sekolah dalam negeri yang berlomba-lomba mendapatkan pekerjaan, dan ini bukan hal yang baru, ini terjadi pada setiap tahun. Maka dari itu penting sekali untuk menjadi salah satu calon kandidat yang dicari oleh perusahaan, ini bukan berati anda harus dari lulusan universitas/sekolah negeri atau IPK tinggi.

Setiap perusahaan selalu membutuhkan calon karyawan berkualitas yang mampu bekerja maksimal sesuai job desknya, yang bisa di ajak bekerja sama dalam membangun visi dan misi perusahaan untuk kedepannya. Jadi persiapakan dalam membuat CV atau Cover letter yang benar-benar menggambarkan siapa diri anda, tunjukan bahwa anda orang yang siap bekerja dan bisa dipercaya untuk menjalankan tugas pekerjaan yang diberikan perusahaan.

Proses atau tahapan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon karyawan pada umumnya dilakukan secara bertahap yang nantinya HRD ingin mendapatkan calon karyawan yang terbaik. Mungkin Anda masih belum tau apa saja tahapannya, pada umumnya yaitu: pertama tahapan Screening CV atau seleksi Administrasi Berkas, lalu kedua Wawancara HRD, interview HRD, Wawancara dengan User, dan Tes Psikotes.

Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia

Tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia? Siapkan berkas lamaran dan CV anda beserta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut kualifikasinya, simak dibawah ini:

1. Dewatering Plant – Data Scientist for Metallurgist, Process Engineer


  • Must have knowledge of the practical application of engineering science and technology. This includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of various goods and services. 
  • Must have knowledge and experience in process data analysis and the use of process simulation software. 
  • Must have the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with team


  • Bachelors degree in an appropriate Data Science / Statistic discipline with GPA 3.00
  • Have minimum of four (4) years related experience in engineering relevant to Data Analyst preferably in a Processing Industry. Desirable if it includes supervisory experience.
  • At least one year experience at Data Science / Analysis field
  • Must be able to work in a potentially stressful environment
  • Strong analytical capabilites to identify and resolve process issue, preferable with:
  • Experience with Minitab, Matlab, or other statistical analysis software.
  • Experience working with PI System for process monitoring and data analysis
  • Experience with Power BI
  • Experience working with design of experiments such as Anova, Taguchi, etc.
  • Lean Six Sigma would be advantageous.
  • Strong analytical thinking, communication, leadership skills
  • May be required to use the following mobile equipment: light duty vehicles
  • Fluent in english both spoken and written
  • Ability to understand and apply verbal and written work and safety-related instructions related to job assignments, job procedures given in English
  • Dateline: 7 Aug 2024

2. Geo Engineering & Environmental – Eng., Underground QA/QC GBC & BG #1

The key challenges in this position include:

  • No violation/accident as per PTFI regulation.
  • Perform good coordination and effective communication in the team and toward clients.
  • Perform detail observation and testing for QAQC data collection.
  • Understand to create simple database to simplify the QAQC data collection, viewer-presentation and cross-relation aspect.
  • Perform mentoring and coaching to subordinate for continues development skill and knowledge.
  • Ability to learn and use new methods in QAQC to assist UG Operation decision making in the field.
  • Interpretation of collected data to perform technical report to client.

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

  • Minimum Education and Experience
    • Bachelors degree in engineering, such as Mining, Civil, Mechanical and Geophysics.
    • Minimum 2 years of experience in mining industry (underground mine experience is preferable) or batch plant or material inspector.
  • Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)
    • Having SIM-A driver license. Other mobile equipment license is preferable.
    • Ability as inspector i.e., material inspector, batch plant inspector and testing material personnel.
    • Communication skill to work in team and client satisfaction oriented.
    • QAQC technical report to client, especially related to laboratory testing for metalliferous, Cementous and resin-based test, batch plant performance, corrosion prevention and shotcrete application.
    • Understand Indonesian standardization for mining industry.
    • Planning/project management: Short-Term goal to meet key challenges.
    • Fluent in English written and conversation.
    • Understand to input data into data base system.
    • Dateline: 06 Aug 2024

Cara Melamar:

Jika ada berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan diatas, silahkan kirim berkas lamaran anda melalui :

1. Dewatering Plant – Data Scientist for Metallurgist, Process Engineer  DAFTAR
2. Geo Engineering & Environmental – Eng., Underground QA/QC GBC & BG #1 DAFTAR

*hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses
proses rekrumen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun

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