Lowongan Kerja PT Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia – PT Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia (MTI) merupakan perusahaan gabungan PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (80%) dan Eternal Tsingshan Group Limited (20%). Akan mengoperasikan Proyek AIM (Acid, Iron, Metal) akan mengolah sisa bijih mineral dari Tambang Tembaga Wetar yang memiliki nilai tambah untuk diolah menjadi menjadi asam sulfat, pelet bijih besi, uap panas, tembaga spons, dan pirit sebagai bahan baku baterai yang penting untuk energi hijau.
Era globalisasi membuat zaman berubah begitu cepat, sehingga menyebabkan munculnya sejumlah profesi baru. Meskipun banyak profesi yang ada di dunia kerja, anak muda zaman sekarang cenderung memilih pekerjaan favorit di bidang yang disukainya.
Bidang pekerjaan yang disukai tersebut bisa menjadi ladang generasi muda milenial saat ini yang rata-rata sudah tanggap teknologi. Apakah Anda penasaran apa yang menjadi pilihan anak muda di era digital ini? Jika Anda adalah fresh graduate, maka wajar saja jika masih bingung ingin bekerja di bidang apa. Anda tentu saja sibuk mencari tahu jenis pekerjaan favorit pilihan masyarakat di era teknologi ini.
Posisi pekerjaan yang banyak di minati di tahun 2020 hingga tahun 2021 diantaranya; Bidang Keuangan, Perbankan, Administrasi, Aparatur Negara (PNS), Marketing, Tenaga Pengajar, Teknik, Entertainer, Jurnalis, Bidang IT, Industri Kreatif. Zaman sekarang, perkembangan teknologi begitu pesat, sehingga membuat daya saing masyarakat semakin ketat. Dari sekian banyak profesi di atas, Anda perlu tahu sejumlah pekerjaan favorit orang-orang di era globalisasi ini.
Lowongan Kerja PT Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia
Berikut ini ada PT Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia (MTI) yang sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk posisi dan kualifikasi simak dibawah ini:
- As an Admin Maintenance Officer, you will ensure for managing documentation, planning and scheduling maintenance, booking and procurement activities to support maintenance activities, being capable of carrying out inventory management used in maintenance, being able to coordinate with the internal maintenance team and external parties related to all activities related to maintenance, and having the ability to periodically report maintenance activities, analyze data, and provide insight to management on efficiency.
The key duties and responsibilities of this position are able to :
- Manage Documentation
- Conduct the management and maintenance of documents related to maintenance activities, such as maintenance schedules, repair records, and equipment inventories.
- Regularly store and archive documents to ensure easy availability and accessibility.
- Planning and Scheduling
- Assist in planning and scheduling maintenance activities, including routine maintenance, repairs, and inspections.
- Coordinate schedules with the maintenance team and related departments to ensure proper resource availability.
- Helps in planning and scheduling shifts and rosters of employees.
- Procurement
- Handles the ordering process of spare parts, equipment, and materials required for maintenance activities.
- Coordinate with the supplier or vendor to get the best price and ensure timely delivery.
- Coordination with the Maintenance Team
- Communicate effectively with the maintenance team to support their activities.
- Inform the associated team of the timetable of maintenance, maintenance, or repairs and ensure that tasks are completed in accordance with the specified schedule.
- Reporting and Analysis
- Create periodic reports on maintenance activities, including records of repairs, repair times, and costs involved.
- Analyzes data and provides insight to management on the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance activities.
- Inventory Management
- Control and monitor the inventory of equipment, spare parts, and materials used in maintenance.
- Conduct inventory recording and stock updating, and identify the need for replacement or addition.
- Coordination with the External
- Connect with a supplier, vendor, or contractor associated with maintenance.
- Coordinate schedules of visits, repairs, or services with external parties and ensure compliance with contractual agreements.
- Hygiene and safety
- Ensure a clean, secure, and organized work environment.
- Follow the hygiene and safety procedures established by the company.
Qualifications :
- Minimum education Diploma or equivalent
- Minimum 2 years experience in a maintenance administration or related position is an added value
- Basic knowledge of equipment maintenance and operation
- Able to operate computers and use office software such as Ms. Office, Outlook, and others
- Good communication skills and can work together in a team
- English skills is a must, mandarin skill is an added value
- Being careful, neat and having good organizational skills
- Good analytical skills to collect and analyze maintenance data
Site location in Morowali, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Simak Juga : Lowongan D3 Semua Jurusan Posisi Lainnya
Cara Melamar:
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*hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan di proses
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