Lowongan Kerja PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)

Walk In Interview PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)

Lowongan Kerja PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air) – Susi Air adalah maskapai penerbangan Indonesia yang dioperasikan oleh PT ASI Pujiastuti Aviation dengan penerbangan berjadwal dan charter. PT ASI Pujiastuti Aviation (Susi Air) berkantor pusat di Pangandaran, Jawa Barat, Susi Air beroperasi dari lima basis utama yaitu Jakarta, Medan, Kendari, Bandung, Balikpapan, Cilacap dan Sentani.

Persaingan dalam dunia kerja memang sangat ketat, kamu bayangkan dari banyak lulusan universitas atau sekolah dalam negeri yang berlomba-lomba mendapatkan pekerjaan, dan ini bukan hal yang baru, ini terjadi pada setiap tahun. Maka dari itu penting sekali untuk menjadi salah satu calon kandidat yang dicari oleh perusahaan, ini bukan berati anda harus dari lulusan universitas/sekolah negeri atau IPK tinggi.

Setiap perusahaan selalu membutuhkan calon karyawan berkualitas yang mampu bekerja maksimal sesuai job desknya, yang bisa di ajak bekerja sama dalam membangun visi dan misi perusahaan untuk kedepannya. Jadi persiapakan dalam membuat CV atau Cover letter yang benar-benar menggambarkan siapa diri anda, tunjukan bahwa anda orang yang siap bekerja dan bisa dipercaya untuk menjalankan tugas pekerjaan yang diberikan perusahaan.

Proses atau tahapan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon karyawan pada umumnya dilakukan secara bertahap yang nantinya HRD ingin mendapatkan calon karyawan yang terbaik. Mungkin Anda masih belum tau apa saja tahapannya, pada umumnya yaitu: pertama tahapan Screening CV atau seleksi Administrasi Berkas, lalu kedua Wawancara HRD, interview HRD, Wawancara dengan User, dan Tes Psikotes.

Lowongan Kerja PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)

Tertarik bekerja di PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air)? Siapkan berkas lamaran dan CV anda beserta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut kualifikasi Lowongan PT Sayap Mas Utama, simak dibawah ini:

1. E-Commerce Management Trainee

We are looking for a talented e-commerce management trainee to administer our social media accounts. You will be responsible for creating original text and video content, managing posts and responding to followers. The e-commerce management trainee will be required to webmaster all our e-commerce websites.

Requirements for E-Commerce Webmaster :

  • Must have previous experience in ecommerce websites
  • Adept at coordinating with co-developers / team lead / team head
  • Open to extended working hours to meet deadlines
  • Has the ability to identify, track, manage and resolve project issues
  • Will ensure periodic reporting of Project Status and Project
  • Does periodic review of Project Milestones & ensures adherence to the overall project plan
  • At least 1 years experience as Webmaster

Capable of running advertising campaigns and drive engagement by creating high-quality original content. In charger of engaging influencers, manage our community by responding to comments, and oversee our customer service across all platforms. Manage our company image in a cohesive way to achieve our marketing goals. You should have excellent communication skills and be able to express our company’s views creatively.

Requirements :

  • Graduate degree in Marketing or relevant field
  • Proven work experience as a Social media manager or ecommerce
  • Hands on experience in content management
  • Excellent copywriting skills
  • Ability to deliver creative content (text, image and video)
  • Knowledge of online marketing channels
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Analytical and multitasking skills
  • Effective analysis of problems and providing solution accordingly
  • Flexible, able to multitask and work under pressure
  • Hard working, well organized, dedicated, and motivated towards the job
  • Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia

2. General Affair

Job Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree in any field from reputable university
  • At least 1 years experiences as General Affairs
  • Good negotiation skills
  • Commitment to administrative and logistics work
  • Good working knowledge of administrative procedures and ability to perform administrative tasks efficiency and in compliance with the organization’s regulations
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate in written and spoken English
  • Effective analysis of problems and providing solution accordingly
  • Flexible, able to multitask and work under pressure
  • Hard working , well organized, dedicated, and motivated to words the job
  • Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia

3. Finance Officer

Job Requirements :

  • Bachelor/Diploma majoring in Accounting/Financial Management from reputable university
  • Minimum 1 year work experience
  • Must have a tax “B” brevet certificate
  • Mastering excel and accounting pro grams such as accurate etc
  • Have experience related to risk management

4. Legal Officer

Job Requirements :

  • Bachelor/Diploma majoring in Legal from reputable university
  • Minimum 1 year work experience
  • Good skills in making and analyzing company contracts
  • Able to handle company documents and permits
  • Good ability in handling legal issues, both ciivil and criminal

5. Data Analyst

Job Requirements :

  • Bachelor/Diploma majoring in Accounting/Financial Management from reputable university
  • Minimum 1 year work experience
  • Must have tax “B” brevet certificate
  • Mastering excel and accounting programs such as accurate etc
  • Have experience related to risk management

6. Regional Coordinator Management Trainee

Job Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree in any field from reputable university
  • Minimum 1 year work experience
  • Good negotiation skills
  • Knowledge of marketing, operational and finance
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Analytical and multitasking skills
  •  Mastering in time management

General Requirements :

  • Willing to placed throughout Indonesia
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate in written and spoken English
  • Multitasking and able to work individually or in a team
  • Flexible and work under pressure
  • Creative and innovative
  • Attention to details
  • Excellent research, organizational, and time management skills
  • Problem-solving and decision-making aptitude
  • Hard working, well organized, dedicated, and motivated towards the job
  • Effective analysis problems and providing solution accordingly

Simak Juga : Lowongan D3 Semua Jurusan Posisi Lainnya

Cara Melamar:

Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan daftar online melalui link berikut:

1. E-Commerce : DAFTAR
2. General Affair : DAFTAR
3. Finance Officer : DAFTAR
4. Legal Officer : DAFTAR
5. Data analyst : DAFTAR
6. Regional Coordinator : DAFTAR

Paling lambat 28 Januari 2022 (Pukul 15.00 WIB)
Segala proses rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya apapun

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