Lowongan PT  Yodya Karya (Persero)

lowongan bumn

Lowongan Kerja 2020. PT Yodya Karya (Persero) adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang konsultasi teknik konstruksi. Perusahaan ini merupakan hasil nasionalisasi dari perusahaan N.V. Job & Sprey, beralamat di Jalan Cikini Raya No. 1, Jakarta Pusat. Kegiatan utama pada waktu itu bergerak pada bidang jasa konsultasi untuk pekerjaan perencanaan dan pengawasan bangunan gedung.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT  Yodya Karya (Persero) Tahun 2020

Project Based Contract For Regional Management And Advisory Consultant (RMAC) Regional -1 Placement in Dumai, Sukoharjo, Deli Serdang, Sukabumi, Bengkalis, Bengkulu Tengah, And Medan :

1. Field Assistant of Technical

Aligned Task of Technical FA

  • Assist DPIU and PDAM in the technical aspect, including identification and preparation of project proposal, preparation of detailed design, construction drawings and bidding documents
  • Assist DPIU and PDAM in the identification of social and environment compliance requirements
  • Provide technical inputs in the preparation of reports related to project implementation
  • Provide technical input in the implementation of investment support assistance (seed, grant, matching grant, and PBG)

Qualification Technical FA

  • Minimum undergraduate from D3 in Environmental Engineering or Civil Engineering
  • Having minimum 2 years working experience with strong technical skills
  • Having minimum 2 years working experience in water supply technical/operational and managerial aspects; water governance and water utility administration
  • Having good interpersonal communications, computer literates, teamwork abilities, and must be able to have an extensive field trip to the region

2. Field Assistant of Financial

Aligned Task of Financial FA

  • Facilitate DPIU and PDAM in the preparation of PDAM’s Business Plan and Annual Budget (RKAP)
  • Provide inputs in the preparation of report related to project implementation
  • Monitoring DIPA and DIPDA related to NUWSP at the local level (including APBD funding disbursement)

Qualification Financial FA

  • Minimum undergraduate from D3 in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Having minimum 2 years working experience with a strong skill in financial and accounting
  • Having minimum 2 years working experience in financial management, public utility (PDAM) Auditing, and Budgeting.
  • Having good interpersonal communications, computer literates, management skills, teamwork, target oriented, and able to travel to the field as needed.


  • Pendaftaran paling lambat 29 Mei 2020
  • PT. Yodya Karya (Persero) tidak pernah bekerjasama dengan biro perjalanan manapun dalam proses rekrutmen
  • Hanya pelamar TERBAIK yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi

Cara Pendaftaran

  • Send your completed resume, and cover letter to: faurizkarrachman@yodyakarya.com
  • before May, 29th 2020.

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